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Monday, December 13, 2010


yesterday was the official 21 year-old-una day..weee~ for the present i got a brand new i-phone, no kidding yaww..*wake up girl! ok no presents..thats it..haha..we just celebrated at the night of dec 12 by having makan2 at setulang then we went to danga bay karok2 n all that..but yeah it all passed without memories..i forgot 2 snap pictures of d cake, fud and us having fun..its not cool..its my special day..i shud have some of em kept as memory..kan?=( n yesss the birthday party was full with FAT and CALORIES!! arghh~~ the fud was amazing how can i resist it???? the next day encik buncit brought me to jb city square..he said he had a suprise, ouh *tegedik2* the suprise was a feast for two at seoul garden..ive been talkin about wanting to go there since last sem so 4 my brthday he brought me there..and i was excited! yeayy!! mkn lagi!! then, while heading to the exit of the mall i saw a pinkish shirt dat attracted me, it costs 45ringgit..

bithday girl: aby..nak ni..
buncit: mane ade duit dah
bg: ala adiah xbg lg
buncit: tu, mkn kt seoul garden?
bg: hek, t jadi taik gak
 buncit: xckp..klw x, xpaya mkn seoul garden, boleh la jugak aby blnje baju ke..
bg: pffft.....*blah la kau

and dat was how my official 21 year old day ended..and the KG is saying "hello baby~" while wishing me happy birthday
seoul garden..
 buncit, thnx blnje mkn byk2..T_T


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