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Friday, December 24, 2010

"saya gay saya ok"

i just wanna talk sumthing about this issue..have u guys heard? u guys can watch it here. i got an idea of changing a bit of what Azwan had said in the vid but i still use the same concept:

Malaysian laureate Shanon Ahmad once wrote in one of his novels, 
something like this "know yourself, know everything"
he seems to be saying, if we know ourselves, our bodies, feelings, and thoughts,
it is our right to tell others who we want to be.
I am Sarip Dol, 34 years old.
i took a long time to know my self,
to convince myself that im in love with my monkey.
and after im brave enough to say that im in love with my monkey to other people,
after 34 years i have become strong and confident with whatever my future holds,
there is no denial that it is hard to be in love with a monkey in malaysia,
especially if we are malay...because
religious and cultural factors have defined our lives,
telling us who we cant be and who we can.
but we have to remember that,
what we are told by others, what we are told by our teachers, religious teacher, friends,
mostly from a heterosexual point of view.
they dont understand what it feels like to be in love with a monkey.
we know ourselves better and we must take time and try to tell them.
im confident that things will be a lot better,
we have to gather our strength from around us, 
because there are people who can help us,
and give us confidence to build our own future,
as a monkey's spouse.
i hope you can find that strength and hold on to it,
so you can tell others confidently

this is what happen when we believe in no limit of life..evryone is talking about rights and freedom, human right, freedom of speech bla bla bla..yes, we do need that freedom so no more rapists will be caught coz he has the right to fulfill his sexual needs and people who against this should kill themselves or go to some places and stay under their "tempurung" forever..ouh yeah, i have to prepare one for me now..longlive seksualitimerdeka!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


WHY SHOULD I FEEL UNEASY READING UR STATUS COUCHING ON HOW MUCH U LOVE HER.with all the praising, beutiful words and shit~~
ANNOYING! ANNOYING! ANNOYING! dah aku ke dia yg annoying nih?
kamon la..ko ke pompuan tu yang pompuan? pondan!

pakkal je ko ni klaka borak ngn ko best klw x aku pun takkan ada hati ngn ko dulu tw..kantoi sudey

p/s; aby, if u read this...dont

Saturday, December 18, 2010


what a crap..what are they tryin to do actualy? they frighten us out by declaring that the end of the world will fall on the year of 2012???? i thought its just the fuckin movie but now even the international television channel had broadcasted some series regarding what we know as apocalypse, the doom, or more familiar as THE END OF THE WORLD..idk how to put this but it seems to be wrong totally wrong..what are the purposes? what are the motives? ive seen this one documentary series called as Nostradamus effect..ive searched on the net and ive found this article which consists the same contents as the History channel had broadcastd recently in the Nostradamus effect series..its about the prediction of the doom day from different predictor, fortune-teller or whatever crap..based from the documentary i watched in history channel it ws said that there are about 3 to 4 different prediction series from different cultures long2 time ago..some of em known as the Mayan tribe and i cant remember more but to cut the story short, all of the forecasts seemed to have same result on the day of apocalypse..and the result was in 2012..and funnier, they, i mean the westerners are taking this matter quite seriously as theyre already planning a "secret" project known as the "after people project"..and what is the plan? is it big? yes it is..they are storing and saving tremendous numbers of seeds in a vault underground which they believe could not be destroyed even by the monstrous catastrophe..the question is..HOW and WHO are gonna plant the whole seeds so that earth will be green again after the destruction if it is really AFTER PEOPLE?? honestly, this is puzzling and nuts..

in short, they stressed several times in this documentary that the date of apocalypse was predicted to be on December 21, 2012..well, i believe there are no more futher research shud be done as we Muslim, coz its all written in Quran that no one will ever know the exact day of the judgment day..not the mayan, not even greatest scientist or an European known as Nostradamus..

Nostradamus, Famous Astrologer, Astronomer - Public Domain
Nostradamus, Famous Astrologer, Astronomer - Public Domain

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

bile cik kiyah dah xthn nak menggatal~~

 today cik kiyah ada benda nk update kt u ols hihi, few days ago, while cik kiyah open2 television becos boring yg too much cik kiyah turned on la channel 8tv kan..and then, at that time there was a recap of shout award and that time zizan was giving his speech sebab die mnang category ape cik kiyah pun watch jela..then ade one guy ni which had been gossipped about dating si yuna oh bulan tu..eyh, so kiut la his face at the same time cik kiyah suke y'all!!! oppss terover pulak sory y'ols..b4 dis if cik kiyah not mistaken, cik kiyah ade mentioned about cik kiyah dont like mat2 jambu air ni but, unfortunately this one cik kiyah cannot deny lah yg cik kiyah admires him..his face macam ade remind cik kiyah of sory cik kiyah almost forgot nak let u guys know who is he..his commercial name is Qi Qhushairi and he was the former drummer of OAG.. ala band yg ada radhi tu..60s tv..tau? Qi Qhushairi ni is also one of the lead  tv series 'blogger boy'..dekat 8tv jugak series tu..criusly cik kiyah suka tengok muka die *drooling* cik kiyah pun not sure la ape yg attractive sgt kat muke budak Qi ni..but haa ni cik kiyah nk warning ye, cik kiyah likes to see his face je tau...bukan his fan hard to die or whatever okeyyyy~~~

ouh~ cik kiyah likes this one a lot! huhuuu~~

jangan2 he is a gayboy also tak? alaaa~~~

Monday, December 13, 2010


yesterday was the official 21 year-old-una day..weee~ for the present i got a brand new i-phone, no kidding yaww..*wake up girl! ok no presents..thats it..haha..we just celebrated at the night of dec 12 by having makan2 at setulang then we went to danga bay karok2 n all that..but yeah it all passed without memories..i forgot 2 snap pictures of d cake, fud and us having fun..its not cool..its my special day..i shud have some of em kept as memory..kan?=( n yesss the birthday party was full with FAT and CALORIES!! arghh~~ the fud was amazing how can i resist it???? the next day encik buncit brought me to jb city square..he said he had a suprise, ouh *tegedik2* the suprise was a feast for two at seoul garden..ive been talkin about wanting to go there since last sem so 4 my brthday he brought me there..and i was excited! yeayy!! mkn lagi!! then, while heading to the exit of the mall i saw a pinkish shirt dat attracted me, it costs 45ringgit..

bithday girl: aby..nak ni..
buncit: mane ade duit dah
bg: ala adiah xbg lg
buncit: tu, mkn kt seoul garden?
bg: hek, t jadi taik gak
 buncit: xckp..klw x, xpaya mkn seoul garden, boleh la jugak aby blnje baju ke..
bg: pffft.....*blah la kau

and dat was how my official 21 year old day ended..and the KG is saying "hello baby~" while wishing me happy birthday
seoul garden..
 buncit, thnx blnje mkn byk2..T_T

Friday, December 10, 2010

got this from blog hikayat si luncai, i bet the panties worth higher than the invisible pants she ws wearing haha..

Thursday, December 9, 2010

can i accept the reality??

ok, the result will be out in umm two three four, its TOMORROW! n i wud like to let em all on god's hand..*sigh~~ the mkt paper scares me the most! friends, if i keep silent after the result taken out, it means ADE REPEAT LA TU n im in my mourning will take long as i will lose my weight n i will be looking like the walking dead n i wont talk for the whole nu semester *ok, im exxagerating n trying 2 make some drama here*. reverse......................................................................................................................................
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla~~ bla bla bla bla! friends, if i keep silent after the result  taken out, it means i believe everything happens for a reason and i accept the fate and reality that people make mistake even when they think they had prepared well enough * tangan ke dada mate tengok atas *

if this semester seemed 2 be so scary as wud it be like 4 the next semester  u lil spoil brat?!!

wah da macam result upsr pulak haha

Monday, December 6, 2010

try this..

mine is: i took a crap on a Jew because thats what i am ( this is mean! )

Saturday, December 4, 2010

apo bondo ii jang??

this morning i woke up to perform early morning prayer at about 6.33 in the dawn..huarggghhhh~~~ a big rounded yawning with idung yg i wish to see if some people dare to put their original shabby morning faces as their profile pic on facebook while yawning..sexsay baby! so, usual thing to do after u woke up, i rubbed my eyes n suddenly..hoh!! what is it? it hurts!! my eyes!!! i promptly get my butt off the bed n checkd it on the mirror..APO BONDO II JANG???! IBU!!!!! screaming for my mum's help like having a nitemare chased by a ghost looked like haziq  mona mum who rarely hear my voice early in the morning enterd my room looking suprise..(btul ke anak aku bangun ni? ke ngigau? awal beno dy bangun *ibuku bermonolog sendirian ).." laa apsal mate una camtu..kene ketumbit ni.." ( ketumbit=stye/hordeolum) ahhh! i dont give a toss if its a pimple, hordeolum or whatever ur scientific name hurts and uglyyyy!!and its ruining my weekend movie's plan!  dahlah dari haritu asek kensel jek..most importantly, aq takde skodeng pn sape2 berak.. (karut..superstitious!hish!)camne boleh kene eh?

at this point of time i wonder..if jack sparrow's eye patch considered as trendy

si lebong