Malaysian laureate Shanon Ahmad once wrote in one of his novels,
something like this "know yourself, know everything"
he seems to be saying, if we know ourselves, our bodies, feelings, and thoughts,
it is our right to tell others who we want to be.
I am Sarip Dol, 34 years old.
i took a long time to know my self,
to convince myself that im in love with my monkey.
and after im brave enough to say that im in love with my monkey to other people,
after 34 years i have become strong and confident with whatever my future holds,
there is no denial that it is hard to be in love with a monkey in malaysia,
especially if we are malay...because
religious and cultural factors have defined our lives,
telling us who we cant be and who we can.
but we have to remember that,
what we are told by others, what we are told by our teachers, religious teacher, friends,
mostly from a heterosexual point of view.
they dont understand what it feels like to be in love with a monkey.
we know ourselves better and we must take time and try to tell them.
im confident that things will be a lot better,
we have to gather our strength from around us,
because there are people who can help us,
and give us confidence to build our own future,
as a monkey's spouse.
i hope you can find that strength and hold on to it,
so you can tell others confidently
this is what happen when we believe in no limit of life..evryone is talking about rights and freedom, human right, freedom of speech bla bla bla..yes, we do need that freedom so no more rapists will be caught coz he has the right to fulfill his sexual needs and people who against this should kill themselves or go to some places and stay under their "tempurung" forever..ouh yeah, i have to prepare one for me now..longlive seksualitimerdeka!!!