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Friday, December 24, 2010

"saya gay saya ok"

i just wanna talk sumthing about this issue..have u guys heard? u guys can watch it here. i got an idea of changing a bit of what Azwan had said in the vid but i still use the same concept:

Malaysian laureate Shanon Ahmad once wrote in one of his novels, 
something like this "know yourself, know everything"
he seems to be saying, if we know ourselves, our bodies, feelings, and thoughts,
it is our right to tell others who we want to be.
I am Sarip Dol, 34 years old.
i took a long time to know my self,
to convince myself that im in love with my monkey.
and after im brave enough to say that im in love with my monkey to other people,
after 34 years i have become strong and confident with whatever my future holds,
there is no denial that it is hard to be in love with a monkey in malaysia,
especially if we are malay...because
religious and cultural factors have defined our lives,
telling us who we cant be and who we can.
but we have to remember that,
what we are told by others, what we are told by our teachers, religious teacher, friends,
mostly from a heterosexual point of view.
they dont understand what it feels like to be in love with a monkey.
we know ourselves better and we must take time and try to tell them.
im confident that things will be a lot better,
we have to gather our strength from around us, 
because there are people who can help us,
and give us confidence to build our own future,
as a monkey's spouse.
i hope you can find that strength and hold on to it,
so you can tell others confidently

this is what happen when we believe in no limit of life..evryone is talking about rights and freedom, human right, freedom of speech bla bla bla..yes, we do need that freedom so no more rapists will be caught coz he has the right to fulfill his sexual needs and people who against this should kill themselves or go to some places and stay under their "tempurung" forever..ouh yeah, i have to prepare one for me now..longlive seksualitimerdeka!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


WHY SHOULD I FEEL UNEASY READING UR STATUS COUCHING ON HOW MUCH U LOVE HER.with all the praising, beutiful words and shit~~
ANNOYING! ANNOYING! ANNOYING! dah aku ke dia yg annoying nih?
kamon la..ko ke pompuan tu yang pompuan? pondan!

pakkal je ko ni klaka borak ngn ko best klw x aku pun takkan ada hati ngn ko dulu tw..kantoi sudey

p/s; aby, if u read this...dont

Saturday, December 18, 2010


what a crap..what are they tryin to do actualy? they frighten us out by declaring that the end of the world will fall on the year of 2012???? i thought its just the fuckin movie but now even the international television channel had broadcasted some series regarding what we know as apocalypse, the doom, or more familiar as THE END OF THE WORLD..idk how to put this but it seems to be wrong totally wrong..what are the purposes? what are the motives? ive seen this one documentary series called as Nostradamus effect..ive searched on the net and ive found this article which consists the same contents as the History channel had broadcastd recently in the Nostradamus effect series..its about the prediction of the doom day from different predictor, fortune-teller or whatever crap..based from the documentary i watched in history channel it ws said that there are about 3 to 4 different prediction series from different cultures long2 time ago..some of em known as the Mayan tribe and i cant remember more but to cut the story short, all of the forecasts seemed to have same result on the day of apocalypse..and the result was in 2012..and funnier, they, i mean the westerners are taking this matter quite seriously as theyre already planning a "secret" project known as the "after people project"..and what is the plan? is it big? yes it is..they are storing and saving tremendous numbers of seeds in a vault underground which they believe could not be destroyed even by the monstrous catastrophe..the question is..HOW and WHO are gonna plant the whole seeds so that earth will be green again after the destruction if it is really AFTER PEOPLE?? honestly, this is puzzling and nuts..

in short, they stressed several times in this documentary that the date of apocalypse was predicted to be on December 21, 2012..well, i believe there are no more futher research shud be done as we Muslim, coz its all written in Quran that no one will ever know the exact day of the judgment day..not the mayan, not even greatest scientist or an European known as Nostradamus..

Nostradamus, Famous Astrologer, Astronomer - Public Domain
Nostradamus, Famous Astrologer, Astronomer - Public Domain

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

bile cik kiyah dah xthn nak menggatal~~

 today cik kiyah ada benda nk update kt u ols hihi, few days ago, while cik kiyah open2 television becos boring yg too much cik kiyah turned on la channel 8tv kan..and then, at that time there was a recap of shout award and that time zizan was giving his speech sebab die mnang category ape cik kiyah pun watch jela..then ade one guy ni which had been gossipped about dating si yuna oh bulan tu..eyh, so kiut la his face at the same time cik kiyah suke y'all!!! oppss terover pulak sory y'ols..b4 dis if cik kiyah not mistaken, cik kiyah ade mentioned about cik kiyah dont like mat2 jambu air ni but, unfortunately this one cik kiyah cannot deny lah yg cik kiyah admires him..his face macam ade remind cik kiyah of sory cik kiyah almost forgot nak let u guys know who is he..his commercial name is Qi Qhushairi and he was the former drummer of OAG.. ala band yg ada radhi tu..60s tv..tau? Qi Qhushairi ni is also one of the lead  tv series 'blogger boy'..dekat 8tv jugak series tu..criusly cik kiyah suka tengok muka die *drooling* cik kiyah pun not sure la ape yg attractive sgt kat muke budak Qi ni..but haa ni cik kiyah nk warning ye, cik kiyah likes to see his face je tau...bukan his fan hard to die or whatever okeyyyy~~~

ouh~ cik kiyah likes this one a lot! huhuuu~~

jangan2 he is a gayboy also tak? alaaa~~~

Monday, December 13, 2010


yesterday was the official 21 year-old-una day..weee~ for the present i got a brand new i-phone, no kidding yaww..*wake up girl! ok no presents..thats it..haha..we just celebrated at the night of dec 12 by having makan2 at setulang then we went to danga bay karok2 n all that..but yeah it all passed without memories..i forgot 2 snap pictures of d cake, fud and us having fun..its not cool..its my special day..i shud have some of em kept as memory..kan?=( n yesss the birthday party was full with FAT and CALORIES!! arghh~~ the fud was amazing how can i resist it???? the next day encik buncit brought me to jb city square..he said he had a suprise, ouh *tegedik2* the suprise was a feast for two at seoul garden..ive been talkin about wanting to go there since last sem so 4 my brthday he brought me there..and i was excited! yeayy!! mkn lagi!! then, while heading to the exit of the mall i saw a pinkish shirt dat attracted me, it costs 45ringgit..

bithday girl: aby..nak ni..
buncit: mane ade duit dah
bg: ala adiah xbg lg
buncit: tu, mkn kt seoul garden?
bg: hek, t jadi taik gak
 buncit: xckp..klw x, xpaya mkn seoul garden, boleh la jugak aby blnje baju ke..
bg: pffft.....*blah la kau

and dat was how my official 21 year old day ended..and the KG is saying "hello baby~" while wishing me happy birthday
seoul garden..
 buncit, thnx blnje mkn byk2..T_T

Friday, December 10, 2010

got this from blog hikayat si luncai, i bet the panties worth higher than the invisible pants she ws wearing haha..

Thursday, December 9, 2010

can i accept the reality??

ok, the result will be out in umm two three four, its TOMORROW! n i wud like to let em all on god's hand..*sigh~~ the mkt paper scares me the most! friends, if i keep silent after the result taken out, it means ADE REPEAT LA TU n im in my mourning will take long as i will lose my weight n i will be looking like the walking dead n i wont talk for the whole nu semester *ok, im exxagerating n trying 2 make some drama here*. reverse......................................................................................................................................
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla~~ bla bla bla bla! friends, if i keep silent after the result  taken out, it means i believe everything happens for a reason and i accept the fate and reality that people make mistake even when they think they had prepared well enough * tangan ke dada mate tengok atas *

if this semester seemed 2 be so scary as wud it be like 4 the next semester  u lil spoil brat?!!

wah da macam result upsr pulak haha

Monday, December 6, 2010

try this..

mine is: i took a crap on a Jew because thats what i am ( this is mean! )

Saturday, December 4, 2010

apo bondo ii jang??

this morning i woke up to perform early morning prayer at about 6.33 in the dawn..huarggghhhh~~~ a big rounded yawning with idung yg i wish to see if some people dare to put their original shabby morning faces as their profile pic on facebook while yawning..sexsay baby! so, usual thing to do after u woke up, i rubbed my eyes n suddenly..hoh!! what is it? it hurts!! my eyes!!! i promptly get my butt off the bed n checkd it on the mirror..APO BONDO II JANG???! IBU!!!!! screaming for my mum's help like having a nitemare chased by a ghost looked like haziq  mona mum who rarely hear my voice early in the morning enterd my room looking suprise..(btul ke anak aku bangun ni? ke ngigau? awal beno dy bangun *ibuku bermonolog sendirian ).." laa apsal mate una camtu..kene ketumbit ni.." ( ketumbit=stye/hordeolum) ahhh! i dont give a toss if its a pimple, hordeolum or whatever ur scientific name hurts and uglyyyy!!and its ruining my weekend movie's plan!  dahlah dari haritu asek kensel jek..most importantly, aq takde skodeng pn sape2 berak.. (karut..superstitious!hish!)camne boleh kene eh?

at this point of time i wonder..if jack sparrow's eye patch considered as trendy

Monday, November 29, 2010

sales everywhere!!!

it's the year end sale everybody!! homaigod! shoess, dressesss, makeupsss, jeansss, bagsssss!!! just not interested..y eh? tak chicks la if tak suke shopping..possible reasons:
im not proud..i feel.....imperfect.....
  1. tade duit! (no money no talk la wey..lianciaw!!)
  2. xreti pilh (labish aa labish!!)
  3. fashion disaster (kasut bata bag swan aku tau la)
  4. masuk byk2 kedai belinye satu je (lenguh tau x lenguh!)
  5. freak weirdo wacko girl? (thats just me indeeeed~~~)
  6. final reason: - $$ (conclusion: amek bau je la kau)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

the upside down of amity

i used to have this bunch of childhood friends whom i do remember very well till now..those good old days, but this is what happen to me today..ive met a friend/ exclasmate in my form 3 class few days back, her name is umi..we had a short chat but she had told me something that just make me speechless at that point of time and keep on thinking and thinking till this morning..umi told me  about one of our friend who ive removed from my facebook account..the used-to-call friend told umi that she was just realized she had been removed from my frenlists when she wanted to write at my wall during the raya days 2month ago..while actualy i had deleted her frm my frenlist since the month of june if im not mistaken..lemme give her a fake name, ok i call her kiah, so the story is that umi was visiting kiah's house for raya and thats when kiah told umi about us..ironically, ive had a dream last nite where all my ex-close friends gathering together somewhere n when i passed by, they gave a hatred look on me and whispering among each other talking about me, so when i woke up this morning ive decided to let kiah know what are my reasons for deleting her from my i texted her and confronted..criusly, i dont have any prob on confronting to people if i have issues with them coz i believe rather than being quiet its better if u just tell the truth rite? but this is what will ususally occur when i confront..they will keep bein silence and give no cooperation..just like what happened to my former bestfriend who is officially my foe now..the one who hate me the most because her brother dates me..the one who said she felt betrayed when theres something goin on between her brother and i..(but being nice and said she has no prob at first) the one who had told the other friends dat were not in a good condition (while i dont have any idea that she was actualy slowly excrating me) and claimed by herself that she is not my friend anymore. wow, how easy was that to put someone in your trash bin of hate huh? i will just call this beloved sis in law-to be as, bedah and kiah are actually both my girlfriends during our highschool, we take the same bus to school together, walk to canteen during recess together, hangin up in the ladies when we skip from class together, laugh, fight and even give us a name "charlies angle" (due to the trios) not crying coz im done with it..hate me guys if you think thats the rigteous way one shud do when they have a friend like whatever you think is kiah, i have my own reason y i deleted you from the frenlists i did told you and its up to u now..

im writing this while i know some of my close friends will read this as well..u guys might say, just dont give a damn about them but frankly, it really hurts me not bcoz one of them is farid's own sister but she used to be my closest friend and in this case she didnt give me a chance to tell her what i feel at all. just wanna let u guys know how i appreciate the frenship no matter who or what you are..ill try to talk if i notice somethings wrong with you guys and i dont mind if u do the same..thats more like it ;) ive lost some of em and i dont wanna lose anyone important in my life me, we dont have to be that close to show the whole world that we are bff or what not.. just keep reminding each other about the good and bad and keep in touch till forever..okay! ;) ill delete this entry as well when its no longer private..heheh *a big comfy hug for u guys

Thursday, November 25, 2010


could you find anything strange or weird from this picture?

didnt see anything? how bout this one

look at  the symbol ive circled and the phrase ive boxed..WORSHIPFUL MASTER..what religion event is this coz i dont see any hinduism, buddhisme, christianism  let alone islamics symbols on the banner..

so, who or what do they pray and worship anyway?

new fav spot!!

okay, 1st of all this is the one n only biggest and advanced family's karaoke center in Pontian launched about a month ago.. second it is brannndd newww..soo proud wooo aku as pure pontianese kn ade karok cmny..thirdly, i just knew it yesterday that we have such place like this now, actually, i ws accompanying my ladies sapika n yin to Pejabat Pendaftaran Pontian bcoz they wanted to renew their ICs..indon upenye korang nih selama ni ye haha..then while having our lunch, the ladies told me that we have a new karaok cnter dat was just opened..aku pun ape lagi, promptly  i asked them to go have a VISIT there, unfortunately the VISIT turned out to be 3hours karaoke session pulak haha..criusly, i was a bit JAKUN since now my place have an ntertainment spot as such..gentlemen, for ur information, Pontian is a tiny little town with no mcdonald in it but lots of traffic due to the grand opening of this place, i hereby feel responsible to spread the words and promote this place as one of the town's greatst achievement so far!! *standing ovation*. tq,tq,(da mcm mayor pulak aku haha) So here,they charge from RM6-RM12 per person..RM6 will be charged for 2 hours session from 11-1pm and from 1pm onwards they will be charging rm12/person for three first both the ladies pun mcm berat nk masuk but how could i missed things like this when i ws already there at that time kan? that time it was already 1.30 so we paid RM12 each and spent our time together having fun..and you know what this place will be my one place to go klw aku bosan tahap gaban..sorang2 pun jadikla! after all, it only takes about 10mins frm my house..yeeeha!

the interior design..kewwwll~~

 drinks kosong sbb customer xramai kot

free drinks everybody!! carlsberg kot order jgn x aq order milo pns je sbb freezing kt dlm 2

 some of the latest songs they have..

si lengan besar yang perasan suaranya sedap..sedap ngat eih!

sapika~sapika~ (sambil geleng kepale tanpe motif )

tekan jangan tak tekan, pilih jangan tak pilih LOL

Monday, November 22, 2010

by popular demand!

so my friends tagged me in a note dat kinda intersting..all you have to do;
   1. turn on your windows media player, i tunes, winamp
   2. put them on shuffle mode
   3. there are 22 quests all together
   4. for each quest click button next and write down the song title played
   5. it means u need to have more than 22 diff songs otherwise the game wont be success

and ive tried it, so these are the result..act i have to publish it on fb, but im quite shy nt bkn ade org nk cmment pon hahaha
so these are my results and quests frm num 1-22..get ready,set,go!!

    please dont leave me-pink (so dont ever ask me this quest lol)

    high-james blunt (errr..tetibe lalok plak gua....)

   sober-kelly clarkson (soooo truee, farid freddy plz take note, awak 2 baran ckt xpdn dgn perut buncit!)

    nobody's home-avril lavigne ( home alone, but it suppose to be yesterday)

     first time- lifehouse ( first come first serve la nih??)

     cinta adalah misteri-dewa 19 ( wooo~~love is a mystery, i like this one!)

     like u'll never see me again- alicia keys (eh, jgn la guys...ull see me again kan?kan?)

     runaway- yeah yeah yeah (err ibu n ayah jangan pecaya ckp yeah yeah ni yeah?)

     tattoo- jordin sparks  ( kau ni asek nk bikin kantoi je kn?diam2 sudey~ lol)

10. WHAT IS 2 + 2?
      scar tissue- rhcp ( that's the equation in biology's new foundings everybody..*muke yg sgt yakin)

       meant to live- switchfoot  ( of course ;) )

       pyramid- charice ft eyaz ( hish! illuminati! mintak simpang kiah!)

       i hate everyting about you- diary of jane  (xmasuk context)

       she is love- parachute (im so gayyyy~~)

       let me hold you- bow wow ft omarion (like!!!! =) )

       final distance- utada hikaru ( *mourning)

       i do not hook up- kelly clarkson ( good girl, tp better carik hobby lain yeh frm now =p )

      never alone (new moon) ( being alone is my fear la bongek..ape daaa..)

lucky- jason mraz ft Colbie callait ( aww malula da kantoi...=p)

 takin back my love- enrique ft ciara ( hes the best i have right now, why sud i take the love back kn syg?)

       ghaibmu- imran ajmain ( hape? kawan2 aq kene semunyik bunian ke hape?? =p )

      here by me- 3 doors down  ( *while plucking the guitar-off key)

haha, interesting isnt it? i love singing and its part of my all time fav is Gone by Nsync..just love the anyone who hd read this entry and havent try this so-called game, u shud try it! alaaa saje2 for fun ;)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

with a cup of hot milo....

just watched 'fight back to school 1' with my lil bro..such a hillarious movie with stephen chow in it..hes the man behind any hk comedies..lawak sial! ops sorry, tp cite tu mmg lawak!!hohoho ok sorry, hurmm...........(ha kn dah start) lately ive no feeling hanging out wif my buddies  here in PONTIAN..even this evening my baby came 2 bring me out for our date (cuti raya haji kan) but then i dnt feel like going out, so i said "malasla..lepak kt uma jela" n he ws like "la pulak, ha amek ni pendrive, aby ade save game baru"..and so, the whole evening he ws staying at my house watching n teaching me playin the game "plant vs zombie" haha..melayan..he even taught me the strategies to kill the zombies using the plants..haha cool game (though its kinda lame). people, this is the real me..i like playing such stupid computer games bcoz i just like it..though sometimes i know it shows how childish i am..tyvm. so moving on, so my close friends also keep asking me to meet up, i ws skyping with 1 of my besties last night n she said "kau ni buat apa kt uma ktrg ajak kua xde respon pn ea.drpd kau gemokkan bdn beter kau lpak ngn ktorg" haha u got me babe. n i replied "2 la... yin ko jgn ckp byk kaly pcl badan aq naik nt aq nanges" lol. while act i do miss them n wanna see them..but i dont like planning..2 all my sistass ill ring u guys then we meet up okay.. last week i went 2 my auntie's place ..playin with her 6months baby named muhammad ilbad called as baby ibad..hes so damn cute..i just love babies and their smells~~~babies are like cutest little toys ive ever had..(except when they cry lol)..but then when they start growin up they will all being like mischieveous,delinquent little kids. the boys will be hyperactive, super playful and the girls will be spoiled and mengada-ngada..yg 2 aku pn dah mls nk lyn..n now, while singin along with my bro playin his guitar i said "dik, aku tengah mood nak main dgn baby la" n he ws just keep plucking the guitar and ignoring this is baby ibad..kakuna nk maen dgn baby ibad lg~~~~

Monday, November 15, 2010

i wanna be a skinniernaire
so freakin bad~~~~

mcm loser

i slept at 5 and woke up at 3 today..i feel bad and FAT!!!
as i had my bath i started cleaning d house though my mom already do the works, i feel bad and STUPID!!
i promised to myself "na,bgunla awal esok, tido mcm mayat xbgun2 apa nk jadik??" then i feel bad and mcm LOSER!!!

mcm psycho pun ade

Friday, November 12, 2010

memoir~~~ (2006-2008)

    2007: breakfasting event at Pendarossa Golf Club, jb
wif my sissy and lil bro s well
         special menu: kambing golek tebaek~~


2007: after the PERTINA (persatuan ting.enam) event..some of em now r missing in action

2006: my crazy workmates..part time job lps spm..dr.cardin's promoter..which 1 am i? heee
         lotsa memries workin in here (sexual harrasment in workplace? yes, ive been through wif dat) n i wuld neva 4get it =(  bt then,dspite the UNWANTED EXPERIENCE,things getting really great..seronok sgt sbb saya selalu kene ngorat keje kt sini ahaha

2008: location: air terjun gunung pulai, pontian (bt now sini dah xleh mandi lg bcoz  ramai sgt mat rempit euwww~~)
frm d back: mima,miza,me n totot (mereka sume pun best hihi)
btw, mima (with the leg) is getting married this December!! happy 4 u babe :)

2007: karaoke box, pontian with bestie ena (in d middle) n totot..mase ni ena ena blum kawen, shes 7 months prgnant mommy..who knows things will go this fast kn? ;)

2008: ahha! im not a fan of her actualy tp saje2 nk brgamba ngn artis haha @ 2008 Jom Heboh TV3 Danga Bay

2006: jogging wif hubby.. @ pontian's sea side..this place ws under cnstruction at this time n now u can find lots of stall opened here n mat2 rempit pun slalu la lepak sini so we arent going here nmore klw nk jogging..kenangan dan kenangan...

2008: upper 6 classmates..=)

2008 kot??: long and straight hair haha

Dear unlocked diary, in case all of these pics lost in my reserve..please keep em for me safely coz i dont have the time and talent to draw it back frm my mind ;)
love, una

Thursday, November 11, 2010

day 4 at home sweet home...hahaha

1.sleep at 7a.m (movie marathon)
2.wake up at 2 p.m, mopping, cooking happily lalalalala~~
4.gelak guling2 tengok astro warna (fan of johan n zizan okey~)
6.gayut+ing wif the hubby
7.spending each n every precious time leisurely... B-)


Monday, November 8, 2010

bile cik kiyah da xthn nk begosip~~~

hello everyone!!! i am cik kiyah..people at kampung all call me mummy jarum jr return..long name kan?i oso dont know la why they call me like dat, not tasty pun kn? ok la..let cik kiyah start the gossip, just now cik kiyah online the fb shortform for facebook la.u think cik kiyah dont have fb what?? and then, cik kiyah open open la other people accounts kan..then..u guys tau what cik kiyah found???
1st, cik kiyah open one of cik kiyah's fren fb account..this boy ni like stuck in the middle tau..he himself not sure he is a boy or girl because apparently his interest is more to date a guy! but cik kiyah dont care la..the thing yang cik kiyah cannot stand sangat ni when cik kiyah see nearly most of his fren pun same as him..ala2 diva gitu! imagine la u ols..they all chat like prempuaanns yuuu! very the kepoh! very not suitable taw! then cik kiyah pun see lagi if there is anything more dahsyat kan..hah! cik kiyah found it dah! ade satu pic nih...the pic of a boy sitting on somewhere tp the boy crop the pic focus on his kelengkang..but he wears jeans la kan..then the comments all was like this: 

1st cmmnt: waaaaaa...nakkkkkk....
2nd cmmnt: bukak la zip 2 ckt mst lg rmy yg bminat
3rd cmmnt: nk jugakkkkkk
4th cmmnt (which is the boy frm the pic): korg nak ke??amek la, tp nt kering la air..=p

ya Allah...pervert nye they ols ni..yang makes cik kiyah more berapi tu bcoz all the cmments came frm guys jugak..same species u know! xsggup cik kiyah nk imagine u ols...astagfirullahalazim....most of boys yg mcm ni they all sume very fanatic with korean boy band like super jr n more lah..sory la cik kiyah tak very familiar sgt dengan boy band korea ni bcoz cik kiyah pun xminat sgt muke2 jambu ny..especially when they act like girls..cik kiyah geli geleman u ols!!! ramai girls yg kate, they all like boy band mcm ni bcoz the song is great n the dancing is debom, plus the faces all jambu kan..even cik kiyah xsuke boy band except backstreet boys and the gang, but cik kiyah still can accept la if GIRLS yg fanatic dgn BOY band yg menari smbil baju terbukak2 2 nk tunjuk body yg cekudut n no, bile GUYS yang minat BOY band mcm tu cik kiyah suspicious sikit la..hish..akhir zaman betul bile org2 yg da songsang ny besepah2 everywhere, siap impose lg depan ok la, btw if ade gossips lagi cik kiyah will update ye! dadaaaa u olsss!

i wish i cud mention ur name!

it actually hurts me a lot syg..
whenever it reminds me..
its actually painful syg..
each n every time i see the face..
i use to love the frenship and appreciate even on every single wishes..
yet, they are all poisoned now..
i have you but i lost the belief..
yess it actually hurts me,its actually painful..

and you! yes you! what is wrong with me? what is wrong with us? what have i done? whats ur problem??? remind this, i wont and i will never be one of yours if we both remain this way..owww god, i wish i could mention ur name!

uyoo da abes third sem kot...

my 1st writing in this blog ws b4 this 3rd sem started..n this is my 10th post n it is the end of the 3rd sem..10 posts in a semester? xcukup byk..kene improve lg tuu..yet, mcm xpecaye since the 3rd sem is over n im about 2 b in d 4th sem..1 problem, if each term seems so quick like this sem, it wud b very2 bothering since i dnt think im ready 4 d internship another 2 sems from now.criusly wey!!! i dnt think i have my best 4 d language n d confident..the cmmon knowldge as well!! *breathe in~ breathe out~* still x lega!! *panic+self motivating+drama* lol.. idea! i have 2 dsign a to-do-list starting frm now on. myb sumthing like: less/
2.excercise, watch and listen on the news (DAILY)
4.practice english in spoken (HOW??) english novels (sigh..)
6.nanti pikir lagi

kejap! still xtenang lagi ny..ok, tmbh lg satu:

7.kurangkan befoye2 spt karok, karok & karok (sighsss..)

hey,tuka topik la..act i ws just arrived home at about 12 am..feeling marvellous! d boyfie fetch me frm s a n then we went to teluk kemang in pd..basahkan kaki ckt2 then we move on straight to pontian n alhamdulillah now we both safely home..=) thanks aby sudi amek kite =)) feel so free to be at home aftr a long n hard times finishing all d assgmnts n exams in the paan and iza said, now we shud have no concern on anything haha..miss them all....

mish all d babes!!

pinkish room yeh, but i love yellow ;)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

last but not least...

@ fkk studying 4 d last paper 2morrow..excited!! yesterday ws the marketing papr n it ws SUCK! i taught my homies about d BCG thingy and other topics but then i didnt get 2 answer those question bcoz the quests itself quite tricky..x puas hati sgt bcoz they get 2 discuss at the back since d invigilators didnt focus on them whereas unfortunate for me since i ws sitting at the front and d invigilators keep checking on us and neglected those at the back..haishhhh..x adil la, i ws the one who teach them but at last i am the moron..hiargggh!!! klw kene repeat cmne????hmmm tapela since esok dah last paper n then nk clebrate mkn kt flaming then nk jmp aby n blk uma yeay!!!

p/s: berat bdn yg mcm sial

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

class prank????

im in dr. mazli's class rite now but till now my dearest abang mazli doesnt appear yet..wut happen??abg mazli?? adakah ini prank semata2??owh ok, paan just told me dat hes around here while taking some leisure times before he enter d class..tape2..amek la mase byk2 abg mazli ku..2morow will b d first day of exam..CTU YE! i havent read anything yet or even take d smell of it..M.A.L.A.S!!!!NAK BALIK!!!!NAK KAROK!!!NAK JUMPE ABY!!!!!NK GOSIP NGN IBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


@ mr kaya

just met d boyfie b4 i went 2 have a grupwork at mr.kaya..just a short moment wif him and it makes me feel down down down~~~wish i cud spend some more time 2 tell him anything i didnt get 2 tell him on our fon conversation b4..hmm loads of work while actualy we shud have prepare for our final next week..well, i guess i have to take the good side of it coz it is the student life rite?/ working life will b worst than dis i the coincident, today is my first day of pms so the mood is going down to zero like Z..E.R.O..sigh~~~mr.assignment, how can i be in love wit u??? im on my knees begging for ur love~~~ (sugar high)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

what type of friends are you?

when ur friends ask for a help what is ur respond?
a. give excuses coz u have another things to do
b. willingly n sincerely cancel any business u got solely to help out ur friend

if ur friend made a wrong decision on something, what will you do?
a. just agree to avoid argument between both of you
b. try to advice him/her so that he/she can make a better decision next time
c. "its ur choice" strategy

do you like it when ur friend raise his/her voice towards you?
a. no
b. i dont mind as long as its not in public or if it can embarrass me  
c. none of my fren have the right to yield at me!

situation 1: u text ur friend to accompany u for a dinner outside and ur friend replied "sorry, i dont think i can make it, im about to fall asleep, n got other things to do n bla..bla..bla..". what will u reply?
a. "hurm, well if u say so.."
b. "alrite, but itll b fun if u could joyn"
c. "come on, u can have ur sleep later, i need someone to chat,after all i havent take my meal since morning"
d. no reply  

situation 2: u text ur friends or make phone calls n ur friends didnt respond u. u feel a bit dissapointed since u got a problem n really in need to have a chat with someone. what will come trough your mind?
a. they arent good friends. they werent there when i need them
b. its ok, i guess they are in a throes of something. i shouldnt bother them. i know i have to face this by myself.
c.  they are friends for benefit. they will only reach me when they need my help

do u believe in "BEST FRIEND FOREVER "?
a. yes
b. not really

what is ur concept on "BEST FRIEND FOREVER"?
a. the one who will always be by urside and there for u.
b. friends who know what best for u even tho sometimes it ll lead to misunderstanding between u guys.
c. friends who can always treat u the way u wanted to.
d. friends who care about u 24 7 
e. friends who will do anything for u 
f. all of the above n they will remain like that forever since its "best friend FOREVER".

there are no marks for any answer you choose XD
so, what kind of friend are you? how about the others around u? are they considered as a good friend because they always there for u? n how about others who arent being really nice to u ? are they act like that everytime or is there any reason??

honestly, i do believe in good friends but not really BFF thingy..good friends are ppl who see us potentially but not perfectly, who treat us nicely but not obligingly, who will do the best they can not the best we want, who will talk about our good but still remind us of our weakness, who want us to understand them n them to understand us at the same time and GOOD FRIENDS are ppl who know exactly what is the real meaning of THATS WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR!!!

P/S: idk what type of friend i am..LOL..

si lebong